Bonilista Email Template: A MailChimp-Based Email Template Built with Eleventy

The Bonilista Email Template is an email template designed for MailChimp, built using Eleventy (11ty) and the Nunjucks templating language. Eleventy, a static site generator, enables efficient HTML compilation, making it easy to update and maintain the template.

Key Features

  • MailChimp Compatibility: Fully optimized for MailChimp’s email marketing platform.
  • Built with Eleventy (11ty): Uses a static site generator to structure and optimize code.
  • Nunjucks Templating: Allows for modular, reusable components in HTML.
  • Inline CSS Optimization: Ensures better compatibility across different email clients.

Installation and Setup


Ensure Node.js is installed on your system before proceeding.

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: npm install

Development Mode

To start a local server and preview the template in real time, run:

npm run dev

Eleventy will launch a server at http://localhost:8080, automatically rebuilding the template as you make changes.

Exporting and Using with MailChimp

The compiled HTML template is located in the src/_site/ directory. You can zip and upload this folder as a custom template via MailChimp’s editor.

Styling and Compatibility

  • Inline CSS: Recommended for better rendering across various email clients.
  • CSS File: Common styles are stored in src/_includes/styles/css.njk and included inside a <style> tag in the email’s <head>.
  • MailChimp Optimization: The platform reviews and inlines as many CSS rules as possible during the template creation process.

Contributing and License

Contributions are welcome via pull requests and issues to enhance the template’s quality and functionality.

License: Distributed under AGPLv3. See in the repository for details.

For more information, visit the GitHub repository.

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